New Practices in Data Governance and Data Fabric for Telecommunications

by datatabloid_difmmk

“The requirement to manage data across a mix of public cloud and on-premises data resources presents some unique challenges.” according to latest white paper issued by TM Forumthat’s why “These various characteristics need to be recognized at the governance level to maintain cost, residency, performance, accessibility, and other objectives. ”

Managing data assets in multiple clouds introduces new data governance requirements. Navigating the changes with input from the TM forums is helpful and informative.

What’s New in Telco Data Governance?

Traditional infrastructure is simplyinfrastructure. If it came from this vendor or another data center, it was just a set of resources with generally homogeneous performance characteristics, even if virtualized. If we needed more resources, we upgraded or supplemented our infrastructure. Today, however, traits are not just related to performance.Telcos should be particularly concerned with data jurisdictions, cost profiles, and application ecosystems when choosing infrastructure options for various workloads.

Not only that, but it is well recognized that workload design is no longer considered static infrastructureThe inclusion of portability is essential for future management so that workloads can be moved from the public cloud back to the data center or even pushed from aging on-premises machines to the public cloud. As cloud and data center contracts are renewed, options are available to better leverage negotiations and maximize flexibility in deploying assets near applications and other data ecosystem components. can be increased. As compliance regulations change over time, new requirements can affect your infrastructure choices. For example, personally identifiable information (PII) or federal data may need to remain in the country.

Managing vendor relationships will become increasingly difficult as communications service providers increasingly rely on OpEx investments in data and AI capacity. Negotiating long-term contracts for the migration phase (from on-premises to public cloud infrastructure) that most service providers face today has proven difficult and costly. Establishing a medium- to long-term vendor portfolio requires the ability to manage valuable data assets across multiple cloud environments (and on-premises) to maintain vendor control and avoid lock-in.

What about Data Fabric?

The data fabric design must recognize these changing and dynamic requirements for the workload infrastructure. Combined with the characteristics of the infrastructure itself (location, cost, performance) is the workload profile, including access control and collaboration, workload optimization features (such as machine learning), and other enterprise policies. Now is the time to modernize your data architecture, as the data volume for telcos is accelerated by his 5G and IoT rapid advancements.

This includes ensuring key data management capabilities for emerging demands such as accountability, auditability and AI explainability are implemented and available across the data portfolio . Data workloads should have uniform access to features such as masking and lineage, regardless of the infrastructure they are running on. However, it is not infrastructure agnostic. As mentioned above, the characteristics of that infrastructure (public/on-premises, jurisdictional/remote, etc.) tell the suitability of the workload. A unified data fabric should also minimize the possibility of data redundancy, and should be able to track when redundancy is required.

As data becomes central to the telecommunications business, especially in B2B, a data mesh approach can help accelerate transformation. By embracing a data mesh that relies on an open and inclusive data fabric, consider data as a product, productize and monetize it, and involve the business in designing new data products that can contribute more directly to business success. I can.

Cloudera has been working closely with the TM Forum for many years, especially taking a leading role in the Data Governance and AI Governance collaborative workgroups.and TM Forum Digital Transformation World On September 20-22, Cloudera will host a dedicated session on Modern Data Architectures for Telcos, Data Governance Masterclasspresents catalysts for AI@Scale and several other areas in a session on challenges in the hybrid data cloud.

register here When set up a meeting There with Cloudera!

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